Street photography: Portraying places.

I’m a portrait photographer and although it may seem it’s a contradiction with street photography, I think it makes sense.

It’s not about just taking a photograph of a street but portraying its essence, the life and light in it. I like to photograph people the way they are, beautiful but also human and perfectly imperfect. I think streets have an identity to show as well… the way light crosses the streets, the walls and ground, how streets welcome people and host them, how that street portrays and shows the identity of the city itself.

Of course people is very important for me, too. The way each person interacts with a place, the way one feels welcome and sheltered by it… it’s the feeling and the “use” we make of the street (maybe I feel this because I come from a place where we “live” the street… we enjoy it, we play in it when children and walk a lot when grown ups). For me the street is a place to “use” as well… and I need to feel something with that place, I need to feel we connect, I need to like its face and personality… it needs to be honest to me. I like to see it how it is “lived” and feel the stories it can tell.

Since a while ago I developed my love for windows (home windows) into a love for any type of window which lets me see what’s inside. It made me feel people was interacting with the street even when indoors. It’s funny… (I think I talked about this before) I love those countries which have bars and restaurants with so huge windows, people sit next to the window as if no one could see them… now I’m starting to see that in Barcelona but it was not that common till a while ago. That let me get further in my street photography and link a real connection and interaction between the street and the individual, because the street is not only a passing by path but also a landscape we choose to get lost in our minds, to disconnect, to have a coffee or… in some cases, that “stranger” we don’t notice but it is there observing and keeping our company. In the end we are part of the landscape, thus, we belong to the street.

It’s nothing else but a portrait… of a place but still a portrait, with its smiles and deep looks, with tears and raw “skin” texture, rough and daring, shy and simple, beautiful, real, lived and alive, big and cozy…

About Emma Espejo

Graduated from English Philology in the University of Barcelona, I wanted to study a phd on Literature but ended dedicating my life to Photography. Full time teacher of English, and full time photographer (a passion can't be neglected). Working on my photography and making other people happy with my photographs makes me happy, as well as a good conversation, reading a good book and watching a good tv series. I'm a reader, dreamer, lover, photographer, writer, thinker... a little bit of everything.
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236 Responses to Street photography: Portraying places.

  1. Beautiful shots — and I love how you’ve approached this through a combination of narrative and pictures. I definitely appreciate the insights you’ve shared … gives us a glimpse into the mind of an artist!


    • Emma Espejo says:

      oh! thank you very much, Mikalee!! just a way to show my point of view. Any reading is welcome but there’s always a unique meaning for the person who takes a photograph. Thanks for your comment! hugs!

  2. Veliden says:

    Simply amazing. And I completely agree your thoughts! There’s always something beautiful about being perfectly imperfect, and capturing that moment in a picture. For me, it’s that natural feeling that just comes about when you see pictures like these.

    Can’t wait to see more!

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thank you very much! the perfectly imperfection… it’s part of each one of us’ essence… the real portrait. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! We’ll keep you updated! See you around! ^^

  3. Salman Latif says:

    Excellent shots. You have the excellence of a photographer together with the imaginative depth of a writer!! 🙂

  4. Yasir Imran says:

    But why black and white?

    • Emma Espejo says:

      for me, colour describes an image… it’s just a mix of colours, here and there. Black&White is a story teller… you can appreciate the texture better, and the light… It’s just a matter of perception and I simply love black&white photography!

      • Bronson says:

        The light and shading, the shapes and the lines become the story in black & white. It’s a perfect choice in your street photography. Beautiful work!

  5. says:

    Great article. Loved the writing, and photos. Nice one!

  6. Carlie Chew says:

    Incredible. I love street photography and you did an amazing job. I love the pictures from the street looking into the windows, especially the one with the older woman. Congratulations!

  7. Absolutely it makes sense! Beautiful portraits!

  8. Lovely photos. I feel similarly about particular streets, and more so especially at particular times of the year…like when autumn approaches with its wash of color or the when winter covers everything in glittering snow.

    I know exactly what you mean about windows. I am constantly looking through uncovered windows and wondering about the lives of the people inside.

    I took some photos of one of my favorite locales.

    Splash of Color – Fall at the University

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts! windows are not only a window towards the outside world but also the inside… they can become really interesting!!

      woow! beautiful place you took photos of! where is this?

  9. mexicocityobserver says:

    I love your pics AND your camera…working with a poor excuse..sigh. It’s a joy to look at your work.

  10. mexicocityobserver says:

    OOps, forgot to ask…were all these taken in Barcelona?

  11. conniewalden says:

    Very nice black and whites. Thanks for sharing. Connie

  12. Erika Shiotsu says:

    they are beautiful! I like how you focus your photos!

  13. mmasters says:

    beautiful photos – i really love the 8th shot with the women in the window, gorgeous!

  14. Lakia Gordon says:

    Nice pictures. Thanks for sharing!!

  15. Fashion Diary says:

    So beautiful pictures !

  16. umanbn says:

    Beautiful images…is it Genoa? I especially like the window shots, really nice.

  17. travelingmad says:

    Really beautiful photos. Black and white makes the images stronger. Thanks for sharing. You’re very talented.

  18. Cholim says:

    WOW I love the black tone of the pictures !

  19. Joy says:

    Love black&white pictures, they have such a surrealistic feel about them.

  20. jameela jiden = really beautiful !

  21. These photos are brilliant!! I LOVE black and white photos and especially candid ones, such as these. Honestly, these are just gorgeous. 🙂

  22. singlegirlmodernworld says:

    Wonderful pictures! Thank you for sharing them!

  23. Paul Park says:

    Great shots!

  24. amdalessandro says:

    Wow! Your photography is amazing. I am currently trying to learn about photography and improve my skills with a camera and in photoshop. I would be so grateful if you could look at my photography blog and offer me advice on how I could make my photos better.

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thank you!
      Such a big question!! I see you do naturalistic photography? my advice is to take tons and tons of photographs to practice, till you get your own voice and get to know the technique you need and like… look at many photographs too and follow many photographers’ work… if you see something specific you want to do, try it and ask how to do it if necessary. But, most importantly: PRACTICE!

  25. filispines says:

    En la calle suceden tantas historias, como microorganismos, siempre vivas. Unas veces tristes, otras alegres, otras trágicas….

  26. l0ve0utl0ud says:

    Wow, I love your photos! They have so much atmosphere and emotion. Very original.

  27. chriscaff says:

    I love your comment ‘I like to photograph people the way they are, beautiful but also human and perfectly imperfect.’ and i love your photos. Barcelona is a place I’d love to visit. Your photography makes it even more appealing.

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thank you! Barcelona is a beautiful city! and I started loving it not long ago! but it has something very special, as well as the other cities I’ve visites and loved! ^^

  28. redplace says:

    These are just amazing. There is so much beauty in these moments. Thanks for sharing.

  29. B&W really shoes up the detail doesn’t it great media.

  30. MJ says:

    ¡Felicitaciones! ¡Excelente post y hermosas fotografías!

  31. MJ says:

    Wow. ¡Felicitaciones! ¡Excelente post y hermosas fotografías!

  32. Great shots1 I love the photo you took through a cafe window, it has so much character.

  33. So creative–streets as a portrait.. in a way it’s true! I never thought of it that way. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  34. Myra's voice. says:

    You took me in. Stunning!

  35. tommilk says:

    beauty shots 🙂 some my pics on
    if you look I’ll be glad 🙂

  36. cynsglobe says:

    Love your pictures and the black and white.

  37. Noel Tendick says:

    Beautiful images, I love the sense of stillness within what is typically defined by motion. And I agree that we belong to the places we inhabit. Very nicely done.

  38. heyshaye says:

    Oh myyyy thanks for sharing this!

  39. Just had huge Italy/Barcelona nostalgia! You perfectly captured the magic of every day life in these photographs.


  40. elegant photos… i felt emotions that cannot be described by pure words. its like, the pics themselves would let you know! good job!! 🙂

  41. Beautiful. I love your photos. They are like small visual stories.

  42. Palm Trees & Bare Feet says:

    Very cool! I love street photography and your pictures capture the raw moments very well!

  43. Eva McCane says:

    ahhh. i love a good set of black and white shots. classic. and the people in the shots are really just perfect. great job and thanks for sharing!

  44. zenlifefrugal says:

    Amazing photos!

  45. Dounia says:

    Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing and congrats on freshly pressed!

  46. Female Anecdote says:

    Your photographs and insights are beautifully eclectic. Well done.

  47. Great photographs. I savored each one.

  48. meredith says:

    i agree with everything you said about street photography. too many people think it’s about simply photographing a street, but there is so much more involved. it’s about capturing a moment that will never be captured in the same way ever again. that reason right there is why i think street is so powerful. anyway, nice work, and cheers!

  49. Love black and white street photography! Nice work!

  50. Wow, that 2nd last picture is so creepy yet cool.. Your reflection and the kid makes it look like that kid’s the inner you being unleashed and …..da da da … you know that abstract psycho stuff 🙂

  51. Jan Simson says:

    Stunning pictures. I’m a big fan of black and white photography. Awesome job! Congrats on being FP! Cheers.

  52. vitalpenghu says:

    Nice post and B&W images. I especially like the last image with the boy’s hand against the window…is he waving?

  53. Julio Eiffelt R R says:

    Like ancient images but contemporary. Great photos.

  54. legitmind says:

    These are really good! What camera do you use?

  55. Beautiful, intriguing pics. Congrats on being fresh-pressed. You have an eye for capturing something that interests me – the interplay between human beings and the physical settings they create.

  56. ditchthebun says:

    Love B&W! My fav is the freshly rained upon empty cobblestone street… cobblestones have such character about them, their wear and tear tells a story all of its own.

  57. I love your images – they bring back memories of Barcelona and Italy. Thanks!

  58. Gorgeous black and white shots!

  59. photoggling says:

    I love the photography and especially how you explain the portrait of a window. Good job!

  60. wenhuachan says:

    Love your photos. I am determined to go on more walks to hone my skills. “)

  61. Caveman says:

    Reminiscent of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s work – candid glimpses into the life on the street. Love it.

  62. dijana says:

    your photos are amazing! love photographing streets and people as well.


  64. RoseWine says:

    It’s a cool black & white photography. Love it!! 😀

    ~dance like you do when nobody’s listening~

  65. RoseWine says:

    It’s a cool black & white photography. Love it!! 😀

    ~dance like you do when nobody’s watching~

  66. aparnanairphotography says:

    Fantastic photos and description. Interesting parallel you draw between this and portrait photography. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!!

  67. JayShep Photography says:

    Great shots, and yes street photography is ALL about capturing the moment!

  68. Really amazing! You captured the city feeling perfectly 🙂

  69. These photographs are absolutely beautiful. During the last three years I’ve done a lot of research on the genre of street photography in order to write a novel and I have to say these are some really great shots which capture the essence of what street photography is all about. Nicely done! 🙂

    • Emma Espejo says:

      thank you!! and I’d love to know more about that novel!! what did inspire you to write about street photography? what is the role of photography in the novel? Do you have a blog or something where we could read your fiction? 🙂

  70. photospaz says:

    Stunning! You really get a feel for these places. I love that they are in black and white. Well done!!

  71. laveeir17 says:

    Wonderful work. 🙂

  72. PiedType says:

    Love your photographs, particularly all the layers in the last one — the outside of the building, the people inside, and the reflection of the building across the street. Three pics in one.

  73. You have found your calling and much more.

  74. This is absolutely lovely and probably the best photography I have seem. I love street views, especially black and white. You have great shots here. Awesome job. Thanks for sharing.

  75. kamiekirk says:

    I adore black and white photography, and your pictures have such life and clarity. They are truly amazing.

  76. brahmineyes says:

    Very dramatic shots. i love it.

  77. Beautiful pictures and apt words. Couldn’t agree more….. invariably those places where streets are full of life never disappoint you.

  78. angpiskova says:

    Very impressive! Congratulations!

  79. Great street photography, you definitely have managed to develop your own style. I particularly like the “through a window” approach, the reflections mix up the images and give a sense of depth and space. The last one where the child has spotted you is top quality, anyone would be proud of that one.
    Can I ask how you edit your photos, you’ve got some lovely tone in these black and white images.

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thank you so much for your comment!!

      Regarding my editing, it’s a matter or changing light, playing with brightness, contrast and sometimes curves. It took me a while to get to my own style, trying out different styles… now I feel them like this, maybe in the future I may change them. What I keep in mind is: whites not too white, blacks not too black and the essence is in the shade. Keeping that in mind it’s just a matter of changing till I like it. I don’t use present or actions (I work mainly with Lightroom)
      Hope it helps! Feel free to ask anything on our formspring: your questions might be helpful to others as well!! 🙂

  80. Cee says:

    ¡Hermosas fotografías! love the simplicity!

  81. migratoryme says:

    Your photos take one to a different world!

  82. Lonely Guy. says:

    It’s so beautiful photo & I love your style 🙂
    Be continue with this:)

  83. journey2dfuture says:
  84. marlowesnymph says:

    Love the post. The pictures are beautiful.

  85. Really great pictures – and I love that you decided to do them in black and white – gives them a timeless feel. My favourite were the ones take through the windows, very unique perspective and it has an interesting effect, with the glare etc off the window.

  86. jesingkong says:

    i always love black and white pictures. Gorgeous snap you got there 🙂

  87. peixesloucos says:

    Great set. First photo is impressive.
    Are they digital or analogue?

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thank you!! They are digital but I must confess that I love analogue and always try to get that feeling in my photographs. I’m pretty classic on that and don’t like too artificial editing.

  88. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing, 😉

  89. I would love for you to come by and check out the photos I took of Laugharne, home of Dylan Thomas.

  90. Wonderful photography definitely reminiscent of some wonderful holiday’s we’ve had, thanks for sharing.

  91. HelmStone says:

    Fantastic pictures that almost made me feel I was there

  92. Ankur says:

    It takes great skill to find moments in regular humdrum lives of people around us, of streets which witness days, months, years and lives.
    Congratulations for this amazing blog, keep it up.

  93. warschauertagebuch says:

    you are right about catching the character of a street. that’s what in my opinion makes it so difficult to take a good street picture, that shows more… just the same as with potraits of persons. apart from that you street potraits are very impressive, telling stories…

  94. aileen425 says:

    what camera do you use?

  95. Gracias por compartir tu pasión y habilidad. I liked what you present here and I wish to see more and witness it becoming your body of work. Street photography can be fascinating, enlightening and highly entertaining. If you are aware of “The Decisive Moment” (André Kertész and Doisneau work) you may feel inspire to never leave you camera and always keep it in front of you eye. Definitely capturing the expressions of people at that precise moment is one of the best forms photography can capture. Specially today when everything is measured in the speed of things take place. Freezing that moment becomes a window to that world that as well taps into our in within. Nothing nicer to the artist than touching the people that appreciates their work. You’ve done it quite well in these images. Buenaventura!

  96. Pingback: Rolleiflex | Thelonelywalkers' Blog

  97. Lyu Bena says:

    I felt so curious while reading this post. Beautiful way of city exploration and collecting moments. Thank you.

  98. Eilish says:

    These images are great, and I really know what you mean. I am currently studying as a interior and environmental designer and my main focus is always to consider how people interact with space and one another within different environments. Your photo’s are so lovely because they show a small insight into each persons life at that moment and the atmosphere of that place. Thanks so much for the post it’s got me thinking…!

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts!! Maybe because I know a few architects who tell me about these kind of things I’m very well educated on that matter 😉 My main study is the individual and the identity… so I guess I look for it everywhere, specially in places like a street, built by the human being and lived by the human being. I’d love to know more about your view!

  99. Dio says:

    Really beautifull ………

    Good skill to improved ……..

  100. -rr- says:

    Hi. Nice photos. I like they are in B&W rather than colour. B&W lets you to focus more on what the picture is telling about. It adds strange kind mystery to the image. Even though we see in colour, B&W photos seem more real than the colour ones to me. Great work!

  101. Anggita Indt says:

    Wooow…I love black and white photos…

  102. I love your selective focus- it really brings out the portrait of the street. Very nice work! Cheers!

  103. Ron Scubadiver says:

    Now and then I shoot these types of scenes. You make me want to do more.

  104. rommel says:

    I instantly knew from the featured photo that it’s from Italy.

    Great Shots!

  105. thoraaron says:

    I would love for you to submit an article on Barcelona to my blog:

  106. Ellen Nguyen says:

    The last picture.. Haha they waved at you!

  107. gaycarboys says:

    stunning shots. Blabk and white adds a certain something doesn’t it?

  108. leadinglight says:

    I feel nervous about street photography because I feel so conscious as if I’m intruding on private moments but it’s sometimes beautiful to witness something special and capture it in the medium of a photo. You’ve done a great job.

    Do you get people looking at you when you take shots? Because with street photos, I would rather have my subjects not look directly into the camera but it is a little hard with a basic DSLR lens due to limited zoom range.

    • Emma Espejo says:

      I kind of had the same problem… I was shy about being noticed when taking a photograph and sometimes felt guilty about intruding in someone else’s life… (even when just walking on the street!) But the last months I learnt to care less about that and take the opportunity to get a good photograph instead of worrying, because probably that person will never see me again, nor will I, and I’m very respectful with how people look like so I never use a photograph where they look funny or with an embarrassing face/movement/action/whatever…. mainly because it’s not my style and I don’t want that for my photography. I’ve shared “field” with other street photographers who look for people’s reaction and sometimes the funny ones… and they didn’t care!! so if I’m making people part of a nice photograph, why should I worry? Where can I see some of your street photography?

  109. Sharvil says:

    Beautiful pictures of the street that speak 🙂
    Which place is this?

  110. erinlizzie says:

    Gorgeous! I want to hang these on my walls.

  111. amhard says:

    the extraordinary photographs from a professional photographer!

  112. chameleonic says:

    awesome article, and such beautiful shots!

  113. You have a keen eye and a romantic perspective. I love your work. Keep at it.

  114. Saurabh Mishra says:

    well shot.. excellent i think you made the right choice in becoming a full time photographer

  115. Beautiful photographs, shot in monochromatic adds lot of elegance!

  116. These are really cool, and taking them in black and white was a really good artistic choice =)


  117. Davide says:

    congratulations, your set of photos is very interesting, well-known photos of italy, good!

  118. Michelle says:

    Gorgeous photos! I love that you shot them in black and white. I shoot mostly street photography, pretty much always in B&W, and I use analog (film) cameras. It’s interesting to see your surroundings and imagine them in black and white which can create a completely different feel for a particular scene. Something that’s ‘nice’ in it’s natural colour can become ‘striking’ in tones of black and white, light and shadow. And when I develop my own photos I love the moment when the image appears on the paper and I can see what I’ve created. Do you shoot digital or analog? Your banner image is a great shot as well; the perspective is really nice. Thanks for sharing.

    • Emma Espejo says:

      I’d love to see your photographs!!!! seriously!! send a link over!! 😉
      I shoot digital though shoot analog now and then, keep it for me at the moment. Oh! and the banner image is Marta‘s!!! I love it too!! 🙂
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and honestly! I’d love to see some of your work! 🙂

      • Michelle says:

        Hi Emma — thanks for your interest in my photos! I’d love for you to see them and tell me what you think. I just shot a bunch over the weekend so I’ll email you a link to those and some other shots once I develop the negs and scan them in.

  119. I like your black and white photos. They definitely tell a story not otherwise seen in color photos. And I LOVE the title of your blog! What’s the meaning behind it? I’m very curious.

    • Emma Espejo says:

      We as photographers end being lonely individuals walking the streets looking for a photograph. It happens that the best way to get a shot it’s when you’re alone or when you can concentrate on your own feelings and sensations… walking alone and lonely, because each photograph we take is the result of our own self. It was also inspired by a book, “the lonely londoners” that I liked very much^^ and it has nothing to do with the blog, but the essence is the same one.
      thank you so much for your comment!

      • Hi Emma
        Thanks for your response. Your blog title totally makes sense now! I like how you phrased it: lonely individuals walking the streets looking for a photograph…makes the pursuit seem timeless.

        This process of being in your own state of mind and creating a masterpiece layer by layer is similar to what I experience when I write. Pursuing “art” is lonely practice, but I like how doing so adds meaning to a place or situation that would otherwise be insignificant.

        Ahh, “The Lonely Londoners” sounds like an excellent read that I should check out when I have the time.

  120. There is a story in each of your photos. Very enjoyable! Thank you.

  121. Bu Kool says:

    Great shots! I started out doing street photography as well .But now doing wedding shoots. Please visit so see my shots! Thanks.

    • Emma Espejo says:

      Thanks for your comment!! Actually I do street photography “for pleasure”!! It’s my personal photography and I rather keeping it like it. I’m a wedding photographer for a living and want to keep it that way, too. I like taking portraits so it’s perfect!! 🙂

  122. Excellent pictures and a really nice post. Specially the one taken on the streets of Turin is a true reflection of the power of B&W photographs.

  123. goncalogfonseca says:

    those perfectly imperfect shots 🙂


  124. Alex8131 says:

    Loving your photos, I feel as if I was the one behind the lens. Taking in all the beauty this world offers and at times is taken for granted. I want to thank you for the wonderful work you do.

  125. Love these photos. Don’t know why, just do.

  126. niasunset says:

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed. It is always so nice to meet with a new photographer. Your street photographs are so impressive; a living city through your camera and then we live once again with them. This is amazing. Thank you, I loved your photographical style. With my love, nia

  127. Breathtaking… this makes me want to plan a vacation now!

  128. Your pictures are so evocative, I feel as if I am on tht street with you. Good work and congrats on being freshly pressed.

  129. Excellent pictures! Congratulations!

  130. keshavdubey says:

    Very impressive! your photos say every thing.

  131. Another thing I love about windows… reflections, and the interesting layers it creates. You get several different views/perspectives in a single shot, even if unintended.

    Love the depth of your photos, so lovely.

  132. lrntn says:

    Wonderful B&W photography! I love how evocative these photos are. I too love shooting through, at windows…there’s just something mysterious about them.

  133. kaori says:

    your photos somehow show some beautiful quiteness full of messages about something. I loved how you could captured all of those elements 🙂

  134. Pingback: Emma Espejo » Fotografía artística, boda y retrato. Barcelona » Freshly Pressed!

  135. Great images! I love black and white photography. It captures the image in a different way and sharpens the elements that make the image alive.

  136. Hi Emma,
    Congrats on being Freshly pressed!
    Love your perspective in black and white! I have mine in color, inspired by Steve McCurry.. You’ve seen Steve’s images, I presume?


  137. Craig says:

    Wow, some beautiful shots. I love how simple they are on the surface, but much more when you look closely.

  138. ela83 says:

    great shots!

  139. knownsecrets says:

    hey you to come to my blog go to and comment

  140. Really nice clicks:-) u have shown dat street also tells some story.. And abt the windows , abt my opinion -people expecting something from outside world..:-)

  141. JL says:

    I love what you said about each street having its own essence. The people are really a part of the street, and makes a wonderful portrait of a street that is in a sense, alive! I’m always a bit afraid to take pictures of random strangers on the street though, just in case they get mad and yell at me! Hahaha!

  142. jeik42 says:

    I’d say my favorite is the one with the bus – it’s just perfect. Excellent work! I’m hoping to do some black and white work in the near future… who knows, might already have some good shots for it!

  143. Really great shots, and i love how you include people in your photos—it makes them less “picture-perfect” and more real! Great job!

  144. I like these photos very much! It’s almost like I’m looking through a time portal into the past – where a picture holds a thousand stories that can no longer be told. Every man in a photo holds a history that he can no longer speak of to the viewer of a hundred years later. I am a history lover, and I study each photo as a tale unfolds from it. What was the man sitting at the table thinking? Where might the bus be heading?
    A great set of photos – thanks for sharing, please do keep posting!

  145. some great shots…will be checking in a lot x

  146. riri82 says:

    Of course street photos can complement portraits, for the street is a portrait of its city 🙂
    Lovely and innovative. Thank you x

  147. Beautiful. Poetic images.

  148. brittneehenry says:

    Wonderful! Photographs should tell a story and you have definitely succeeded in doing this. Too often people focus on the technical perfection of photography, when so often it is the imperfection of a photograph that captures the “real” picture. Fabulous photographs! I wish we “lived” in our streets here in the US.

  149. incaseieverforget says:


  150. Nicci Perides says:

    Lovely pics!!!!

  151. Interesting concept, and great pictures! I love the B&W! 🙂
    I’m also into photography, feel free to check out my blog! ( )

  152. Nin says:

    Well explained, and nice pictures….

  153. bards says:

    Im about to go on a trip and im excitedto do some street photos too. Thanks for sharing photos!

  154. nurnuru3 says:

    i like it so much…just inspiring ^_^

  155. blouisdaniel says:

    Fantastic shoot. I love street photography for the simplicity and the character portrayed in the framed surroundings. That said, very exceptional work. You captured and emotion, a feeling; that’s the whole reason we photograph.

    Everywhere I travel I try to include shots of the streets. Feel free to check out my page. This is the photography section.


  156. Cassie says:

    I love the old women giggling and chatting, and the woman looking out the window at the distance. Bah, black and white, amazingness.

  157. GOactivities says:

    You’ve made everything look lovely and parisian! Stumbled upon your blog but it’s a really refreshing read.

  158. The Dandy Lion says:

    These photos are simply breathtaking.

  159. RAK says:

    These are great photos! I like the way you have captured the essence of the street. The pictures are so uncomplicated and peaceful!

  160. Marissa says:

    Windows! Gave me new ideas 🙂

  161. Beautiful photos! Street scenes are great to capture and tell so much about a place, fashions of the time, what people do… Thanks for sharing these!

  162. Love this! These photos are AMAZING!! 😉 Keep up the good work and ill keep following you!!

    -Chris Styles

  163. Fitovers says:

    Simply amazing….!!

  164. Adriano says:

    These places photographed in black and white air to give a more

  165. Hi Emma,
    Love the photos, fantastic, love the mono,

  166. Beautiful photos. I love how you’ve portrayed a powerful sense of place and illustrated how “we belong to the street.”

  167. nectarfizz says:

    Amazing work. I have a love of B&W images. Thanks for posting these.

  168. Chris W. says:

    You explain what it means to portray people and places very well. But I’m most surprised by your background, I too studied English, discovered photography, and made the leap into a career with it. It’s nice to hear I’m not alone in this path. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  169. madamediana says:

    Wow your photos are fabulous. My favourite is the one with the three old women walking and chatting together, it just seems so real. It also reminds me of my own grandmother! Lol 🙂

  170. Wow these are incredible! You have an amazing eye for catching the total essence: The people, the places, the movements, the light. Great stuff here, you certainly have a gift!

  171. Pingback: Street Photography « Gallivanting on the Great Wall

  172. samanthagf says:

    I adore this! I almost studied abroad in Valencia, and never got the chance to go due to medical reasons, I also have a dear friend who lives in Barcelona. I would love to visit Spain one day. But also, I love photography, as a student I have yet to give in an buy the camera I want because finances are tight. I love your photography and passion, it translates through your pictures beautifully!

  173. great series you got here!

  174. kalafels says:

    Wow! You definitely captured it. The people look so natural which really helps give the photographs life.

  175. fr3lancer says:

    This was definitely the best collection i’ve ever seen 🙂

    the black and white effect not only triggers a nostalgic corner of my mind, but also animates the photos in a perfectly suitable way 🙂

    Cheers! Keep d good work up 🙂

    -Saurav 4m India

  176. Christopher Schmidt says:

    Really great pics!

  177. ethnolust says:

    Great images, Emma. I’m glad I found your blog. I especially like the thoughtful discussion of space and the relationships that people have with it. I look forward to more of your work!

  178. beweightless says:

    Hi Emma, congratulations on your pics! I really like b&w photos because I think that they can communicate a lot, especially when they are so intense as yours. I like the last three pics in particular because I think that people behind windows are such a great subject!

  179. trialsinfood says:

    great photos and post! during our recent trip to italy and greece, i’ve come to appreciate doors, stairs, streets….they have so much more character than the ones here in america.

  180. Does every street photograph has to be black and white. Just curious. Btw amazing pictures!

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